Why Preaching of the Gospel? (Ezekiel 37:1-14; John 5:18-29; BC 24; Q &A 65)

The priest Ezekiel is called to be a prophet. He has this vision of dry bones, very dead bones, and we could say a mess of bones. You would think that he would have to gather the bones and bring them to the temple. However, he does not do such a thing. He is told to simply speak the word of the Lord over this valley of dead bones. Truly, the Spirit works as the Spirit wills and normally through the preaching of the Gospel.

The Last Days of Preaching (2 Timothy 4:1-5)

The primary way that the church grows in faith and in number is through the preaching of the gospel. You would think that the church would love the preaching all the time and that the life changing power of the gospel would permeate our being so we cannot get enough of it. However, this is not the case. The incarnate word was sent to the cross by the will of God using the rejection of man. So, Paul warns Timothy that in the latter days the gospel will not be so joyfully received. What is the fundamental problem? Do we need to change the gospel message?

Nurtured to Sabbath Glory (1 Timothy 4:11-16)

Paul is addressing the reality that the Christian life is not so easy to live out.  It is a life of struggle, temptation, and we have seen a turning away from the gospel.  So, how do we keep our focus and orientation on the proper goal?  How do we manage our priorities in the Lord?

The Kingdom Advances (Matthew 10:5-15)

Matthew alerts us that Christ enters history to save his people from their sins.  One would expect Christ to be received with excitement, but that is not the case.  Now Christ sends out his disciples to the surrounding area to proclaim the gospel.  Will they be embraced with open arms?  Abraham’s children embrace the substance of their redemption? 

Worship Elements: Preaching: Word or Gospel? (2 Timothy 4:1-5)

We have been considering at the language of the Belgic Confession that identifies the preaching of the Gospel as a mark of the true church.  If the reformers claim that a mark of the church the the preaching of the gospel then why does Paul exhort Timothy to preach the word?  Does our confession need to be rewritten?  Does Paul understand the preaching of the word to be the preaching of the Gospel?

Worship Elements: Preaching: Evangelistic (Romans 1:16-17)

Our confession does not merely say that we preach the word, but we preach the Gospel.  Why not have a mature church that no longer needs the Gospel because they have advanced beyond it.  Then we could have churches that are more geared to young Christians.    What basis do we have to preach the gospel for all members of Christ’s church? 

Worship Elements: Preaching: An Assuring Promise (Genesis 28)

Jacob leaves home sent away as a covenantal fugitive to fend for himself at his uncle’s house.  He is left alone in the deserve literally stripped of everything that he valued.  Is all lost?  What can Jacob’s vision in the midst of his existential crises teach us about preaching and the gospel message?

Worship Elements: Preaching: Redundant Gospel? (1 Cor. 1:18)

We might think that we know the Gospel and we know the Gospel well.  So, why would we think that we need to continually hear the Gospel preached if we know the Gospel message?  Is there a point in our Christians lives when we move beyond the Gospel message?  What wisdom can be gleaned from church history that would shed some light on this issue of Gospel preaching? 

The Preaching of the Gospel (Galatians 1:6-9 (LD 31; BC 29)

How do we know a true church from a false church?  The Belgic Confession gives us there marks of the church to distinguish a true church from a false church.  One of these marks is the preaching of the gospel.  Why is this gospel continually peached?  What does Paul say that is so important about this preaching and working this out?

Why Preach if Elect Anyway? (1 Peter 1:23-25 (COD Heads 3/4 Art. 17)

I believe that God has chosen His people before the foundations of the world.  This is something that is rather risky for a preacher to believe because if God chooses His people then what is the point of preaching?  I mean really, if God just does what God desires then why preach?  Why care about the people who do not know the Lord? So, why do we preach if God chooses HIs people anyway?

Why Preach if God has Chosen His People? (Romans 10:14-15 (COD Head 1 Article 3; LD 6)

One of the great struggles that people have with the Reformed faith is the notion that if God chooses His people then why preach or send missionaries?  We can understand the force of this because if God has determined what has happened then why do anything?  It would seem that we are merely helpless pawns in the game of life.  Is this fair?  Is this really what Reformed people believe about preaching?