Striving to Enter God's Sabbath Rest (Hebrews 4:1-13)

Hebrews assures us that Christ's work is enough for us to enter into heaven. There is a rich comfort that our priest-king has overcome. It is even more comforting that we overcome in him. This is assuring, but then we hear this exhortation that we are to strive to enter his rest. We can turn this into a discouraging burden, but when we look closer we are challenged to hold fast our confession. We are to confess that Christ is our priest king, he is our redeemer, and we proceed in the confidence of our Melchizedekian-priest-king securing our sabbath rest.

#melchizedek #christisenough #sabbathshalom #sabbathstriving #expositorypreaching

(Preached 11.27.2022)

Nurtured to Sabbath Glory (1 Timothy 4:11-16)

Paul is addressing the reality that the Christian life is not so easy to live out.  It is a life of struggle, temptation, and we have seen a turning away from the gospel.  So, how do we keep our focus and orientation on the proper goal?  How do we manage our priorities in the Lord?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Stall (3) (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)

There are times when it is easy for us as New Testament saints to see ourselves in a different place from the Old Testament saints.  In other words their struggle was their struggle and we have a completely different sort of struggle.  Is this a mindset that is consistent with Scripture?  How are we exhorted in Hebrews as a people called to honor the Lord?  What are we to learn from the Old Testament saints?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Rivalry (Genesis 4)

Adam and Eve are out of the Garden of Eden, and they are banished from the Garden.  They will never enter this paradise again nor will they taste any of the fruit that was in this original sanctuary.  How do they fare on the other side of Eden?  How will human history progress or will it just digress?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Perfection (Genesis 2)

The Lord has created and placed Adam in a wonderful garden sanctuary where Adam has a taste of heaven.  This is a place where man communes with the Lord and fellowships with the living God.  However, in the midst of this Garden there are two trees that will testify to man’s allegiance to the living God.  What is the significance of this garden?  Why does the Lord place these trees in the midst of the garden?  Why does the Lord enter his Sabbath rest after revealing the generations of the heavens and the earth?

The Sabbath’s Answer to Absurd Anxiety (1 Peter 5:6-11 (LD 38; COD Head 5 Art. 14, 15)

There are many things in this life that can upset us and even overwhelm us.  Peter affirms the reality of the hardship in the Christian life as he tells us that we have our own struggles, the world, and Satan is out to destroy us.  These things make it pretty difficult for us to maintain a positive outlook in our perseverance.  So, how do we know that we will arrive at the goal of heaven?  Where do we turn in our darkest moments?  Where is our hope in this Christian life?

From Warriors to Farmers (Micah 4:1-8)

Micah has warned that Israel is facing exile.  Israel is going to be marched away from the promised land.  This does not sound fun nor does this sound like there is opportunity for any rest.  So, what can be a positive outcome of this prophecy?  What is the ultimate reversal and the declaration of rest?  How should we view ourselves in light of these promises?

Striving for Our Rest (Hebrews 3:7-4:13 (LD 22; BC 37)

We are exhorted to strive to enter the Sabbath rest of the Lord.  Does this mean that we have to work really hard to please God?  Was the problem with Israel that they just did not understand the gospel?  Was it that they did not have Christ?  Why would the letter to the Hebrews appeal to Israel when we are being exhorted through the words of this letter?  What can we possibly learn from the Israelites that is relevant today?