Corporate Cleansing (Isaiah 6:1-13)

Isaiah the prophet is called into the most holies of places.  You would think that he would be overjoyed to encounter the full holies of our Lord, but he is overwhelmed by his placement in the true temple.  Why is Isaiah so upset and concerned?  This is a prophet set apart unto the Lord and so what does he have to worry about?  What is the Lord ultimately going to do to set aside this man’s fears, but at the same time equip this man to come into HIs holy presence?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Solution (Genesis 12:1-20)

The Lord has been reacting to what man is doing under the heaven.  Man is trying to establish a personal Sabbath Garden like Eden where God is going to be lead around like a little dog catering to the wishes of man.  Is the Lord going to allow something like this to happen again and again?  What about the promise of the Lord raising up a faithful line to love Him, honor Him, and serve Him?  Moses introduces to us a new character that the Lord has chosen to use in the building of His kingdom.

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Rivalry (Genesis 4)

Adam and Eve are out of the Garden of Eden, and they are banished from the Garden.  They will never enter this paradise again nor will they taste any of the fruit that was in this original sanctuary.  How do they fare on the other side of Eden?  How will human history progress or will it just digress?

Easter’s Champion Servant Warrior (Isa. 52:13-53:12)

On Good Friday we considered this servant song from the perspective of the suffering servant.  We saw that the sermon was clearly presenting a suffering warrior.  This is not a song that we normally associate with resurrection.  Is there a message of resurrection in this song?  Or is the resurrection something that is only taught in the New Testament?

The Preaching of the Gospel (Galatians 1:6-9 (LD 31; BC 29)

How do we know a true church from a false church?  The Belgic Confession gives us there marks of the church to distinguish a true church from a false church.  One of these marks is the preaching of the gospel.  Why is this gospel continually peached?  What does Paul say that is so important about this preaching and working this out?