Worship Elements: Preaching: Evangelistic (Romans 1:16-17)

Our confession does not merely say that we preach the word, but we preach the Gospel.  Why not have a mature church that no longer needs the Gospel because they have advanced beyond it.  Then we could have churches that are more geared to young Christians.    What basis do we have to preach the gospel for all members of Christ’s church? 

Providence and Election (Genesis 18:19 (Belgic Confession 13)

We as Christians can sometimes be discouraged when we survey the world.  We read the news and see what is happening to the world and at times it feels as if things are spiraling out of control around us.  What can we do in light of such discouragement?  How do we honor the Lord in the face of such a trying time?  What did the Lord tells us about Abraham in light of Sodom and Gomorrah?  What was Abraham to do in light of that tragic day when the Lord finally manifested His judgment on such blatant narcissism?