Seeing Under History’s Hood (Daniel 8:1-27)

Our perspective on the world is very limited and one sided. We cannot see the bigger picture of history and the ultimate guidance of the Lord. I am sure that there are times that we can see the Lord's providence at work, but we don't have a handle on the full picture. The Lord pulls back the curtain for Daniel so that he can see what makes history tick. Daniel is troubled and sick as a result of what he sees. How does Daniel's vision ultimately comfort us? How do we see the Lord's continual care for this creation? How do we know that our victory is secured in Christ?

We Want a Sovereign Father (Romans 8:18-25)

The Lord rules over this creation and over this world.  When we survey this creation and different challenges that we face in our day to day lives we might question the Lord’s competence.  There is unrest, turmoil, and there is trouble in this world so why do we want our God to be sovereign?  It would seem better if we could try out hand at ruling the world.  So, why is it a good thing that God is sovereign and we are not sovereign? 

Encouragement for Some or All? (James 5:1-6)

When James is warning the rich it is easy for us to say that it is the other people who have to worry.  We might think that we are not on the Fortune 500 list so in reality we are not that rich.  The truth is that as Americans we are very rich, very blessed, and among some of the most wealth in the world.  Can we be Christians then?  How can we have a joy in the Christian life when James tells the rich to “weep and howl”?  Are these verses for all Christians or just a select few Christians?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Reminder (2) (Genesis 11:1-9)

The Lord has washed the face of the earth with a flood, but has delivered a household through the ordeal waters of death.  Has sin been washed off the face of the earth?  We know that Ham mocked his dad and did not bear fruit of being one of the seed of the woman so clearly there are still sinners walking on the earth.  However, did man learn his lesson from the flood?  Did man get the message that God will carry out His justice?  Or does God need to intervene to restrain man? How can God intervene now that he bound himself to preserve this creation until the final Sabbath?

Who is Like God? (Micah 7:14-20)

The Lord is a God who is serious about his justice.  He will deal with the foreign people who make a mockery of His name and He will drive out His people who also make a mockery of His name.  This is something that we expect a sovereign God to do.  This expectation is not what makes God necessarily unique from all the other gods.  What is the ultimate thing that makes God unique for the other gods?  How do we have a relationship with this God?  How do we know that he really is the Lord of lords and the King of kings?

Why Preach if Elect Anyway? (1 Peter 1:23-25 (COD Heads 3/4 Art. 17)

I believe that God has chosen His people before the foundations of the world.  This is something that is rather risky for a preacher to believe because if God chooses His people then what is the point of preaching?  I mean really, if God just does what God desires then why preach?  Why care about the people who do not know the Lord? So, why do we preach if God chooses HIs people anyway?

Why Pray if God is Sovereign? (Romans 8:26 (LD 45)

The Lord is a God who rules over all things.  He is king over the heaven and the earth.  He is the one who orders and controls our destiny.  So, if this is all true then why pray?  It is not like you are going to change the mind of a God whose mind does not change.  It is not like you are going to inform Him of something that He does not already know.  So, why is prayer so necessary and significant for the Christian life?

Death Defying Lordship (Mark 5:21-43)

Our Lord rules over the heavens and the earth.  There is no doubt that He is busy and has many things to tend to daily.  How do we know that He really cares about the little people that He has redeemed?  How do we know that He is sovereign enough to overpower everything in this age? 

Lord over the Legion (Mark 5:1-20 )

When two armies face off there are two important things you want in your favor.  First, you want the element of surprise so that the other Second, you want to overwhelm your enemy with greater forces.  The demons have both on their side, but will Christ have to retreat?

The Lord of the Land and the Sea (Mark 4:35-41)

We believe that God is sovereign and rules over all things.  This is helpful when you talk about theology and God’s continued care for this world.  So, why would we care about God being sovereign in terms of our redemption?  What does God being sovereign and Lord over this creation really mean for our redemption?