Worship Elements: Preaching: Redundant Gospel? (1 Cor. 1:18)

We might think that we know the Gospel and we know the Gospel well.  So, why would we think that we need to continually hear the Gospel preached if we know the Gospel message?  Is there a point in our Christians lives when we move beyond the Gospel message?  What wisdom can be gleaned from church history that would shed some light on this issue of Gospel preaching? 

Elihu’s Confrontation (Job 33:1-33)

Elihu continues to interact with Job.  He is not happy with Job's attitude and Job's accusations against God.  He now turns to Job and confronts his line of thinking.  Will Job concede the words from this young man? Will Job continue his course claiming his own holiness and cling to his self righteousness?

Where is Wisdom? (Job 28:1-28)

We can interview numerous people, we can comb the Scriptures, we can dig into the earth, but where is wisdom?  This is a rather profound question that Job seeks to answer.  The answer to the question may not be as simple as just reading some Scriptures, or interviewing some people.  So, what is the answer?  Is Job ready to embrace the answer as he feels it being pressed upon him?

Finish This! (Job 6:1-7:21)

Job’s friends, the counselors, are now beginning to interact with Job.  They grieved with Job, they failed to recognize their friend, and Eliphaz has interacted with Job’s speech or attitude.  Job questioned the wisdom of God, and Eliphaz questioned whether Job really understands God.  How will Job respond?  We noted that the counselor was not consistent with the Lord’s wisdom.  Will Job finally see through this trial and clearly see the Lord?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Surrender (2) (Genesis 48)

Jacob is an elderly man on his death bed.  His favored son Joseph makes it easy for Jacob to bless his grand children by arranging them in their proper place.  Joseph knows that the older is to receive the greater blessing and the younger is to receive the inferior blessing.  Jacob, a supplanter schemer, places his right hand on the younger and his left on the older.  Why does this offend Joseph?  What does this communicate about Jacob’s heart condition?