Why Give Exhortations and Pursue God if We are Elect? (1 Peter 1:22-2:3; COD 3, 4, Art. 17)

We can think that if God has chosen us before the foundation of the world, if God has elected us to be his people, and we are those who worship him then we are golden. We can fall into a trap of self righteousness thinking that because we have done the right thing we are worthy of God's electing mercy. However, the Canons of Dordt does not encourage this thinking. In fact, the canons does a wonderful job of reminding us that we are truly saved by grace, delivered from hell for the sake of Christ, and still called to live out of gratitude.

Work Out Your Salvation (Philippians 1:6; 2:12,13; COD 3,4; 14-16)

We know that we are saved by grace that is applied by the will of God. God is the one who chooses his people, empowers his people, and will preserve his people until the end. If this is true, then why does Paul tell us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling? Does God just start the work and then we need to finish the work?

Why Preach if God has Chosen His People? (Romans 10:14-15 (COD Head 1 Article 3; LD 6)

One of the great struggles that people have with the Reformed faith is the notion that if God chooses His people then why preach or send missionaries?  We can understand the force of this because if God has determined what has happened then why do anything?  It would seem that we are merely helpless pawns in the game of life.  Is this fair?  Is this really what Reformed people believe about preaching?

Why Pray if God is Sovereign? (Romans 8:26 (LD 45)

The Lord is a God who rules over all things.  He is king over the heaven and the earth.  He is the one who orders and controls our destiny.  So, if this is all true then why pray?  It is not like you are going to change the mind of a God whose mind does not change.  It is not like you are going to inform Him of something that He does not already know.  So, why is prayer so necessary and significant for the Christian life?