And His Entire Household (Acts 16:25-40)

Paul and Silas are put in prison for casting out a spirit of divination. While they are in prison the Lord sends an earthquake. This event opens the doors and knocks the shackles off their limbs. They are free to escape, but they do not leave. Instead, we have record of a jailer being converted. He is converted, baptized, and his entire household. This is very significant in terms of the covenant sign of Baptism.

Baptizing the Household

This is the second part of our seven part series on baptism.  We continue to give an introduction to a biblical case for infant baptism.  In this teaching we consider the household of God and what it means for God to work in the context of a household. So, why does God work in the context of a household? 

Here is a link to the “Introduction to Baptism” playlist.

A United Household (Ephesians 5:15-6:9)

When we talk about marriage or the struggles in the household we want to go right to the commands.  We want to hear what we must do and how hard we must try to be successful Christians.  However, the Apostle Paul labors to communicate that we cannot do if the work has not been done.  What work needs to be done?  What life needs to be lived before we can live out the Christian life?  How do we promote a unified household in the Lord?

The Christian Household (Colossians 3:18-4:1)

The Apostle Paul exhorts children to obey their parents for this is pleasing to the Lord.  It is not a surprise to us that Paul would exhort children to obey their parents, but what does this imply about their status in the church?  Why is the context of their exhortation so significant? Why is it important that this exhortation seems to echo the Old Testament?  What could this imply about children being in covenant with the Lord?

A Holy Household (Ephesians 6:1-4)

The Apostle Paul exhorts children to obey their parents for this is pleasing to the Lord.  It is not a surprise to us that Paul would exhort children to obey their parents, but what does this imply about their status in the church?  Why is the context of their exhortation so significant? Why is it important that this exhortation seems to echo the Old Testament?  What could this imply about children being in covenant with the Lord?

Providence and Election (Genesis 18:19 (Belgic Confession 13)

We as Christians can sometimes be discouraged when we survey the world.  We read the news and see what is happening to the world and at times it feels as if things are spiraling out of control around us.  What can we do in light of such discouragement?  How do we honor the Lord in the face of such a trying time?  What did the Lord tells us about Abraham in light of Sodom and Gomorrah?  What was Abraham to do in light of that tragic day when the Lord finally manifested His judgment on such blatant narcissism?

Deceived then Relieved (Genesis 3:15)

Do we think about what it means when we say things like, “Jesus is the reason for the season?”  There is no doubt that Christ’s entrance into history is significant, but why is it significant?  What does it teach us about God being Sovereign and man not being as sovereign as man thinks?

Honor Authority (Colossians 3:17-4:1; LD 39)

It is tempting to think that maybe Paul is clueless about contemporary struggles or maybe he just does not understand our current struggle in this advanced age.  How does Paul exhort us in such a way that what Paul says to the first century church is just a relevant to the 21st century church?