And His Entire Household (Acts 16:25-40)

Paul and Silas are put in prison for casting out a spirit of divination. While they are in prison the Lord sends an earthquake. This event opens the doors and knocks the shackles off their limbs. They are free to escape, but they do not leave. Instead, we have record of a jailer being converted. He is converted, baptized, and his entire household. This is very significant in terms of the covenant sign of Baptism.

God’s Discipline Published (Hosea 5:1-7)

We can attack the Lord and accuse him of many things. This is not right, and our accusations are not justified. However, human beings continue to attack God. We do not realize that God publishes many warnings, God is very long suffering, and ultimately God is merciful even though we may deny this reality. This is not a call for us to question God, but a call for us to reevaluate how we view God. Notice, this is not saying that God has changed, but a call for us to change. We can see that even in the midst of his judgment his mercy is manifested.