God's Cure for Anxiety (LD 9) (Luke 12:22-34)

When we worry about tomorrow we doubt God's providence and his care for us. Christ could have easily ended his sermon with the assertion that life is more than food or clothing. Christ would then be telling us how sinful we are. Christ does not just tell us that we are sinful, but Christ gives us assurance of the Lord's personal care for us. Luke tells us that Christ gives two proofs to assure us that our Heavenly Father does care. The pesky ravens receive the Lord's care. The Lord watches over the wild flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow. Christ's point is that if God cares about the little details of this creation then how much more his people. Therefore, we should not be anxious about tomorrow as we are in the father's care.

(Preached September 18, 2022)

Can Man Change God’s Book of Truth? (Daniel 11:2-45)

Sometimes we can read the news or we can survey our current life and wonder if there is a point to this age. We might wonder if God is still in control or if God has abandoned his rule. We might think that Satan has won and the powers or darkness have defeated our God.

This is our perspective, but Daniel assures us that our perspective is wrong. We must remember that God has written history in his book of truth. How does God's book of truth assure our that our victory is sure in Christ? Why is it so comforting that man cannot change God's book of truth? If we understand this Daniel's prophecy we can proceed throughout our life confident that we will prevail because Christ has prevailed.

Seeing Under History’s Hood (Daniel 8:1-27)

Our perspective on the world is very limited and one sided. We cannot see the bigger picture of history and the ultimate guidance of the Lord. I am sure that there are times that we can see the Lord's providence at work, but we don't have a handle on the full picture. The Lord pulls back the curtain for Daniel so that he can see what makes history tick. Daniel is troubled and sick as a result of what he sees. How does Daniel's vision ultimately comfort us? How do we see the Lord's continual care for this creation? How do we know that our victory is secured in Christ?

Humbled Before God (James 4:1-10)

We can be very frustrated at times because it seems like the Lord is not hearing our prayers.  We might be asking for something that we desire, but the Lord might not be giving us what we want.  Why would the Lord withhold good things from his children?  How can we find contentment in times of want?  How can we have an attitude before the Lord that is pleasing and honorable to Him?

Providence and Preservation (Ephesians 4:30 (COD Head 5 Article 6)

When we think about the Reformed doctrine of salvation we could think that the doctrine is simply summarized as such, “Once saved always saved.”  I have to confess that personally such a definition really bothers me.  It makes salvation sound cheap in the sense that we just go along for the ride and there is no struggle.  So, if this is not something I like then what can we put in the place of it?  What is more, how can Reformed people be so sure that God will preserve sinners who naturally hate Him?  How does the Spirit even work in Reformed theology?

Providence and Election (Genesis 18:19 (Belgic Confession 13)

We as Christians can sometimes be discouraged when we survey the world.  We read the news and see what is happening to the world and at times it feels as if things are spiraling out of control around us.  What can we do in light of such discouragement?  How do we honor the Lord in the face of such a trying time?  What did the Lord tells us about Abraham in light of Sodom and Gomorrah?  What was Abraham to do in light of that tragic day when the Lord finally manifested His judgment on such blatant narcissism?

Edified by Providence (Romans 8:18-30; LD 10)

The providence of God is something that is magnificent to see that the Lord continues to care for us and watch over us.  This almost sounds as if God is meddlesome.  Is he?  Why would we want this God to interact with our lives?  How does His personal involvement improve our lives rather than harm our lives? 

God and His Providence (Acts 17:22-33; LD 9)

The providence of God is a very humbling doctrine.  It is a doctrine that compels us to see that we are those who are not as self reliant as we think we are.  God is the one who provides for us and for those who are not His people.  All creation finds the substance in Him and in Him alone. This is also a doctrine that commands us to see that the Lord provides for His people.