Obey Your Leaders (Ephesians 6:1-9; LD 39)

God has a redeemed a people who are called to bring glory to his name. We are to be lights in the darkness. We might think that this is only for adults, but the Apostle Paul reminds us that this is for children as well as they are members of the Christian household. So, we hear about how we bring glory to God as the Lord's redeemed saints.

A United Household (Ephesians 5:15-6:9)

When we talk about marriage or the struggles in the household we want to go right to the commands.  We want to hear what we must do and how hard we must try to be successful Christians.  However, the Apostle Paul labors to communicate that we cannot do if the work has not been done.  What work needs to be done?  What life needs to be lived before we can live out the Christian life?  How do we promote a unified household in the Lord?

Raising the Half Child (1 Corinthians 7:14; LD 27)

As the church is growing and existing it is just a matter of time before the church encounters a problem.  The problem is what do you do in a marriage where one spouse is a Christian and the other spouse is not a Christian?  How is the family to conduct itself? Are they to stay married and divide the house so one spouse lives on one floor and another spouse lives on the sinner’s floor?  What is more, how do the spouses view their children?