We Want a Sovereign Father (Romans 8:18-25)

The Lord rules over this creation and over this world.  When we survey this creation and different challenges that we face in our day to day lives we might question the Lord’s competence.  There is unrest, turmoil, and there is trouble in this world so why do we want our God to be sovereign?  It would seem better if we could try out hand at ruling the world.  So, why is it a good thing that God is sovereign and we are not sovereign? 

Everlasting Nourishment (Mark 6:30-44)

We might wonder from time to time why Jesus does all these miracles and theatrics.  Why not just tell us the point?  Why not just live, die, and be raised?  Why these miracles for a time?  What is the purpose behind these miracles?  Why does Jesus feed 5000 people with 5 loaves and two fish?