Blessed are the Peacemakers

Jeremiah gives a very severe warning that we are not to say , “peace, peace when there is no peace. “ Christ states in Matthew 10, ““Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth.” If we are not to broadcast peace, and Christ does not bring peace, then how can peacemakers be blessed? What is a peacemaker and can we know if we are one?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Silence (1 Thessalonians 4:11)

The Apostle Paul exhorts us to live a life to the Lord without stirring up controversy.  Why would Paul say such things and what does Paul by living a peaceful and quiet life?

God's Prodigal Family: Father (Luke 15:11-32 (LD 51)

It is easy to judge the younger brother and to let him live with the consequences of his actions.  It might be touching to think that the father still hosts the banquet for the younger brother.  You can almost have a sentimental feeling that the father is a really good father.  The parable hits home when the father explains to the older brother why this banquet is so significant.  It also hits home when the father has to pursue the lost son.  Which son is really the lost son in this parable?  What is the significance of the father going out to meet with each of the sons?

Serenity Now! (1 Timothy 6:1-10)

This life can overwhelm us at times.  If we are honest, many of the things which overwhelm us are self inflicted.  We want the perfect job, house, marriage, or whatever it might be for us.  The reality is that we can quickly become a dog chasing its own tail while believing our own tale.  So, where do we find peace right now?  Where do we find a happy place where we can retreat?  How can we have a true peace right now even in a fallen world?

Who is Like God? (Micah 7:14-20)

The Lord is a God who is serious about his justice.  He will deal with the foreign people who make a mockery of His name and He will drive out His people who also make a mockery of His name.  This is something that we expect a sovereign God to do.  This expectation is not what makes God necessarily unique from all the other gods.  What is the ultimate thing that makes God unique for the other gods?  How do we have a relationship with this God?  How do we know that he really is the Lord of lords and the King of kings?

What is Our Peace? (Micah 5:5-15)

Many times when we think of peace we think of things in our lives going well for us right now.  However, this peace is still working out despite Christians who are tragically being martyred and it was working out when saints were martyred.  How can we find peace in all circumstances of life?  How do we find peace when we are among the nations in a dispersion and living in terms similar to Jeremiah 29 rather than the book of Joshua?  Where is our peace ultimately?