A Stern Master's Kingdom (Luke 17:10)

Scripture speaks of us receiving crowns and rewards when we get to glory. One of think that our sole motivation is to have a bigger crown, a bigger mansion, or more rewards than another christian. What is wrong with this sort of motivation to obey to receive more from our Lord at the final judgment? Why should we want to conform to the Lord as we journey through this age?

Assurance During Christ’s Absence (Romans 8:34)

We believe that Christ’s entrance into heaven is a good thing. However, how can it be better that Christ is gone rather than Christ is here with us? It would seem better if we could walk into heaven, open the throne room, and look upon Christ. So how can we be assured that Christ’s leaving us is a good thing in the Lord’s redemptive plan?

Living it Out (2) (Matthew 5:33-48)

Christ gives us the church hard words and difficult words for us to follow.  So, as we hear the next series of commands do we just dismiss them?  Why would Christ give us such impossible things to follow? How do we live out these commands in Scripture? 

Being a Doer (James 1:19-27)

The law of God is one of those difficult things to address.  On the one hand we can go down the road of being self righteous where we reduce the meaning of the law down to a few outward things that are easy to keep.  We can also become a people who dismiss the seriousness of wanting to conform to the law.  We can claim that this law is not binding.  We can also go to a place where we claim that our works are needed for our entrance into heaven.  So, when James exhorts us to be doers of the law what can he possibly mean?  How can we be a doer of the law without minimizing Christ’s one time completed work?

Lead in Christ (John 15; LD 52

The Lord’s prayer has a strange request that we ask the Lord not to lead us into temptation.  If the Lord desires us to dwell with Him forever in heaven, then why would the Lord tempt us?  What does this request mean for our Christian life?  Can we trust our Lord if He is tempting us?  So, what does this request mean?

The Absurdity of Prayer (Psalm 50 (LD 45)

Our catechism moves from the law of God that we obey out of gratitude to teaching us about prayer.  It does seem a bit strange that as Calvinists we would pray and that our confessional documents would have strong language regarding the necessity of prayer.  Why pray if everything is determined?  What can prayer do for us in our Christian life?  Do we pray to change the will of God or do we pray for another reason?

The Sabbath’s Answer to Absurd Anxiety (1 Peter 5:6-11 (LD 38; COD Head 5 Art. 14, 15)

There are many things in this life that can upset us and even overwhelm us.  Peter affirms the reality of the hardship in the Christian life as he tells us that we have our own struggles, the world, and Satan is out to destroy us.  These things make it pretty difficult for us to maintain a positive outlook in our perseverance.  So, how do we know that we will arrive at the goal of heaven?  Where do we turn in our darkest moments?  Where is our hope in this Christian life?

The Absurdity of Blasphemy (2) (Deuteronomy 6:13 (LD 37)

The basis of our Christian ethic is that we live our lives before the Lord.  This is really the beginning or the foundation of the Christian ethic that we live before the Lord as we walk in His power.  How is the command not the blaspheme the Lord much bigger than we thought?  How can this commandment regarding blasphemy encompass this whole ethic and orientation in this age?