Striving to Enter God's Sabbath Rest (Hebrews 4:1-13)

Hebrews assures us that Christ's work is enough for us to enter into heaven. There is a rich comfort that our priest-king has overcome. It is even more comforting that we overcome in him. This is assuring, but then we hear this exhortation that we are to strive to enter his rest. We can turn this into a discouraging burden, but when we look closer we are challenged to hold fast our confession. We are to confess that Christ is our priest king, he is our redeemer, and we proceed in the confidence of our Melchizedekian-priest-king securing our sabbath rest.

#melchizedek #christisenough #sabbathshalom #sabbathstriving #expositorypreaching

(Preached 11.27.2022)

Our Wilderness Wandering (Hebrews 3:7-19)

The people of Israel set the pattern for God's redemptive program. We see that God redeems, leads through the wilderness, and then brings his people into their rest. This precedent shows us that the problem is never with God, but with his people. We are warned not to fall away in the wildness time of testing. The call is that we continually see the goodness of our God who has redeemed us.

#wildernesswandering #christiantesting #christisenough #christianexodus

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