Trapped by Life (Job 3)

Job finally breaks the 7 day silence to express his perception of things.  Job does not see the purpose of his life.  Why is this so wrong and how does this show that we too need redefine meaning in terms of the Lord’s bigger picture?  How does Job’s speech fail to see the bigger purpose of life that we might fail to perceive?

The Sabbath’s Answer to Absurd Anxiety (1 Peter 5:6-11 (LD 38; COD Head 5 Art. 14, 15)

There are many things in this life that can upset us and even overwhelm us.  Peter affirms the reality of the hardship in the Christian life as he tells us that we have our own struggles, the world, and Satan is out to destroy us.  These things make it pretty difficult for us to maintain a positive outlook in our perseverance.  So, how do we know that we will arrive at the goal of heaven?  Where do we turn in our darkest moments?  Where is our hope in this Christian life?