Is Christ Enough? (Romans 8:1-8)

When we talk about the work of Christ we can talk about Christ securing us, or Christ redeeming us, or Christ paying the debt so we can be righteous. However, is the work of Christ complete enough to save us until the end? How do we know that we will partake of Christ’s work making Christ’s work our work?

Struggling Sinners and Saints (Romans 8:18-25 (COD Head 5 Article 1)

There is no doubt that one would not be saved apart from the grace of God.  I think all Christians who have a grasp of Christianity would affirm the necessity of grace for our salvation.  We know that we are those who need grace, but how much grace do we need?  Is 90 percent enough or do we need more?  Is our confidence in that we will not fall away because we love the Lord enough or is it because know that the Lord loves us enough?

Resurrection and Incarnation (1 Corinthians 15:45; BC 19)

We talked last time about the incarnation of Christ being something that is challenging for us to understand because it is a doctrine that is difficult to grasp.  It does not make sense that the second person of the Trinity would take on flesh like our flesh.  It does not make sense that He would submit to death and then be raised up again.  Why all this drama?  What is the purpose of Christ taking on the flesh and then dying?  How does this have a meaningful impact right now instead of at the end of our 80 years of walking this earth?

Providence and Preservation (Ephesians 4:30 (COD Head 5 Article 6)

When we think about the Reformed doctrine of salvation we could think that the doctrine is simply summarized as such, “Once saved always saved.”  I have to confess that personally such a definition really bothers me.  It makes salvation sound cheap in the sense that we just go along for the ride and there is no struggle.  So, if this is not something I like then what can we put in the place of it?  What is more, how can Reformed people be so sure that God will preserve sinners who naturally hate Him?  How does the Spirit even work in Reformed theology?

Why the Holy Spirit? (1 Corinthians 3; LD 20)

Sometimes as church members in America we can think that life is about me living for the Lord.  This is not necessarily a bad thing as we should all individually want to live for the Lord.  This is a mindset that really robs Christians of a great and higher understanding of the church.  So, what is the bigger picture of the church?  How does the Holy Spirit bless the church moving us beyond just a radical individual understanding of His blessings?