Obey Your Leaders (Ephesians 6:1-9; LD 39)

God has a redeemed a people who are called to bring glory to his name. We are to be lights in the darkness. We might think that this is only for adults, but the Apostle Paul reminds us that this is for children as well as they are members of the Christian household. So, we hear about how we bring glory to God as the Lord's redeemed saints.

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Conforming: Marriage (Matthew 5:27-32)

Christ goes through the law and lays out the challenge of the seventh commandment.  This is another commandment that one might think is rather easy to keep, but is this really such an easy command to keep?  Is this one of the least commands or do we make it one of the least commands?  What are some of the implications regarding this commandment?

Beyond a Land Promise (Genesis 17:1-27; Acts 2:29-41)

The Lord makes a promise to Abraham about bringing about His kingdom through the champion line.  This promise is tied to a land and also to circumcision.  Why would we desire to appeal to this passage for infant baptism?  What does Genesis 17 tell us about the covenant and the covenant sign?  What is Peter saying regarding the application of the covenant promises to us?

God's Holy Household (1 Corinthians 7:1-16)

So why do we baptize infants? Is this a sign of faith or is it the precedent that has been set in the Old Testament? As we consider Paul’s language we see that he is using the Old Testament language and applying it to the church. The logical conclusion is that as infants are part of God’s household of faith in the Old Testament so they are part of the household of faith in the New Testament.

Raising the Half Child (1 Corinthians 7:14; LD 27)

As the church is growing and existing it is just a matter of time before the church encounters a problem.  The problem is what do you do in a marriage where one spouse is a Christian and the other spouse is not a Christian?  How is the family to conduct itself? Are they to stay married and divide the house so one spouse lives on one floor and another spouse lives on the sinner’s floor?  What is more, how do the spouses view their children?