You Shall Not Commit Adultery (Matt. 5:27-30)

Our Lord commands us not to commit adultery. We might think that in the most literal sense we have done very well. However, how does this command challenge us to live a deeper and more committed life to the Lord? What is the solution to our problem? It is important as we wrestle with these questions that we find our affirmation in our Lord.

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Conforming: Marriage (Matthew 5:27-32)

Christ goes through the law and lays out the challenge of the seventh commandment.  This is another commandment that one might think is rather easy to keep, but is this really such an easy command to keep?  Is this one of the least commands or do we make it one of the least commands?  What are some of the implications regarding this commandment?

The Absurdity of Purity (1 Corinthians 6:12-20 (LD 41)

The reality is that Christians are a people set apart unto the Lord and called to honor the Lord as His redeemed people.  This notion of living for another being is something that just is so contrary to worldly wisdom.  The world desires that we live out and have our best life right now. So, why would we seek to honor the Lord and live for Him instead of self?  How is living for the Lord something is actually a way more gratifying way to live than living for self?