Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Spread (Luke 14:1-24)

Christ is invited to dine with the leader of the Pharisees.  It seems that Christ’s ministry is moving in a positive direction where he is making inroads with the movers and shakers of the society.  This seems to be underscored when we notice Luke tells us that the Phariesses were watching Him carefully.  This has to mean that Christ is being accepted by significant people.  Or is this banquet hosted for more nefarious reasons?

God's Prodigal Family: Father (Luke 15:11-32 (LD 51)

It is easy to judge the younger brother and to let him live with the consequences of his actions.  It might be touching to think that the father still hosts the banquet for the younger brother.  You can almost have a sentimental feeling that the father is a really good father.  The parable hits home when the father explains to the older brother why this banquet is so significant.  It also hits home when the father has to pursue the lost son.  Which son is really the lost son in this parable?  What is the significance of the father going out to meet with each of the sons?

God's Prodigal Family: Old Brother (Luke 15:11-32 (LD 51)

When we ask our heavenly father to forgive us our debts we are also asking that we forgive our debtors meaning those who sin against us.  The reality is that there is a cost involved with forgiveness and we might not always be willing to bear the cost of it.  What is more, the bigger problem is that we might not think that we ourselves need that much forgiveness.  So, what does the older brother or the older son tell us about forgiveness in the kingdom?  Why does Christ tell us that this man had two sons?