Inconsolable Insiders (Matthew 9:1-8)

Christ comes to the other side of the sea and is in his home town and district.  It would seem that everything is going to go well because now Christ is among his own people who should embrace him.  We find that Christ announces the significance of his office by forgiving sins.  Christ came to redeem us from our sins so why would Christ’s forgiving sins be so controversial?

John's Fire Sermon (Matt. 3:1-12)

John calls the current leaders of Israel a brood of vipers.  This is not very flattering.  In fact, such speech would most likely put you at odds with the current leadership.  Why would John use such language?  What can we learn from such a harsh sermon? 

God's Prodigal Family: Father (Luke 15:11-32 (LD 51)

It is easy to judge the younger brother and to let him live with the consequences of his actions.  It might be touching to think that the father still hosts the banquet for the younger brother.  You can almost have a sentimental feeling that the father is a really good father.  The parable hits home when the father explains to the older brother why this banquet is so significant.  It also hits home when the father has to pursue the lost son.  Which son is really the lost son in this parable?  What is the significance of the father going out to meet with each of the sons?

The First Tests (Mark 12:13-27)

The pharisees and the sadducees finally have Christ right where they want him.  In their minds they have trapped Christ into either losing credibility with the people or being charged as an insurrectionist.  How is Christ going to get out of this trap?  What does Christ teach as He responds to their trap?

Purposely Defiled by Sinners? (Mark 8:1-21)

You would think that Christ would figure out that if he just worked with the leaders of Israel a little bit then His life would be easier.  So, why does Christ purposely dine with unclean people after having been rebuked?  Why not just give a little sign when he is asked for a sign?  Why such a harsh warning for His disciples?