Being a Doer (James 1:19-27)

The law of God is one of those difficult things to address.  On the one hand we can go down the road of being self righteous where we reduce the meaning of the law down to a few outward things that are easy to keep.  We can also become a people who dismiss the seriousness of wanting to conform to the law.  We can claim that this law is not binding.  We can also go to a place where we claim that our works are needed for our entrance into heaven.  So, when James exhorts us to be doers of the law what can he possibly mean?  How can we be a doer of the law without minimizing Christ’s one time completed work?

The Good Law (1 Timothy 1:8-11)

So often we can think that the law of God is something that is old or not that helpful.  Sometimes we can be tempted to look at the regulations that the Lord lays out and think that as we follow them we will climb our way into heaven.  We are not going to get into heaven apart from Christ.  So, if our redemption is based on Christ and His merits then why do we care about the law of the Lord?  

The Horror of Sin’s Consequences (Micah 6:9-16)

Micah has warned the people of God that they are sinning against the Lord, and there is a serious consequence that is coming their way.  They have worshiped false gods and they find their comforts in the gifts of the Lord rather than the Lord Himself. In other words, they enjoy their elite blessings, but they have missed the Lord who gives them the blessings that they enjoy.  So, what is the ultimate consequence of their action?  Is the Lord being cruel in promising or bringing about such punishment?  What do we as a people learn from their experience and what exhortations come to bear upon us?