Does Christ's Ascension Matter? (LD 18; Col. 2:8-15)

The Lord promises to walk with us and to be present with us until the end of the age. We would like this to mean that we have visible access to Christ. Our best scenario is that wego to his earthly residence, knock on his door, and personally bring our requests to him. However, this is not what Christ does. He goes to heaven, sits at the right hand of the father, and assures us that this is the best thing for us. Once again we are reminded that this is a problem with our perspective and not a problem with the Lord's provision. We need to see that Christ's ascension into heaven guarantees our place, he prays in the heavenly temple, he guarantees that our glorified flesh is fit for heaven, and he sends the Holy Spirit uniting us to him. These are just a few of the benefits of Christ's ascension that we consider in our sermon.

(Preached 11.27.2022)

#christascended #doctrinalpreaching #expositorypreaching #christisenough #christisrisen

Christian Metamorphosis (LD 12; Romans 12:1,2)

Christ presents our discipleship and conforming to his purpose as cross bearing. Peter speaks of sanctification as a refining fire. Paul uses the language of sanctification as a living sacrifice. These terms can discourage us from seeing the bigger picture. You see Paul speaks of us not merely being transformed as a heavenly people, but undergoing a process of metamorphosis. This is communicates the beauty and the bigger picture of sanctification. We are not just denying ourselves something, but we are becoming something by God's grace.

#sanctification #expositorypreaching #romans12 #livingsacrifice

Man’s Hopeless Situation (COD Head 3, 4 RE 1-4; Ephesians 2:1-6 )

As human beings who sojourn through this world we can think that we are doing well. The problem is that we might not have the clearest picture on life. The tragedy of our existence is that we do not naturally want to pursue God. How do we then interact with God? Is God our enemy? How does God's grace and power overcome our hopeless situation?

Discerning our Strength in Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-13)

Paul gives us the assurance that where we are faithless God remains faithful. Does this mean that we do not seek and desire to live a Christian life? Are we indifferent or neutral to the plan of God? Paul does exhort Timothy and he exhorts us not to fall away as Paul also says, "If we deny him he will deny us." Do we seek to conform to the Lord our of fear? Do we seek to live for the honor and glory of our king just for our own benefit? What is Paul fundamentally teaching us about the Christian life?

Christ’s Prisoner or Imprisoned for Christ? (2 Timothy 1:8-18)

Paul is detained by Rome because of Christ's gospel. The good news of Christ seems to be halted because Paul is in prison. In fact, there are some who have turned against Paul because of his current circumstances. It would seem that this would deter Paul. He would see his imprisonment as a negative thing. However, he does not see himself as Rome's prisoner, but as Christ's prisoner. How is it a blessing to be Christ's prisoner? How does being Christ's prisoner shift his perspective from being Rome's prisoner?

A Conditional Union? (John 14:18-24)

Christ identifies the elements in the Lord’s Supper as His body and blood.  Is Christ saying that the bread and the wine are merely a memorial?  How can these elements continually be tied to Christ when he sacrifices himself once time?  How can we be assured that as Christ is in heaven that we have life in the Lord?

Is Christ Enough? (Romans 8:1-8)

When we talk about the work of Christ we can talk about Christ securing us, or Christ redeeming us, or Christ paying the debt so we can be righteous. However, is the work of Christ complete enough to save us until the end? How do we know that we will partake of Christ’s work making Christ’s work our work?

Redeemed by a Unique God (Ephesians 2:18)

The doctrine of the trinity is a confusing doctrine. How can God be one God and three persons at the same time? Why would we want to talk about God being one God and three persons? How can such talk be encouraging and necessary? Is it necessary to speak of God being one God and three persons?

Worship Elements: Baptized in Christ (Romans 6)

The apostle Paul exhorts us to walk in the Spirit as people who have moved from death to life in Christ.  He also exhorts us to walk in light of our baptism moving us from death to life in Christ.  Is Paul teaching that as one receives baptism that one necessarily receives the Holy Spirit?  Why would Paul use such strong language regarding baptism? 

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Union (Ephesians 2:1-10)

We are getting towards the end of our series of Sojourning Under the Sun.  The intention of this series is for us to consider our placement in the Lord.  A very significant passage that covers our placement in the Lord is Ephesians 2 where the Apostle Paul makes clear that we have undergone a significant transformation in Christ.

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Shining (1 Corinthians 13)

The Apostle Paul has written many letters to new churches.  His letters to the Corinthian church discloses that Paul is frustrated by the lack of unity in that church.  The people claim elitism, they call attention to social class, they call attention to their giftedness, they fail to discipline those who need some Godly correction, and there are more issues that we can list.  So, what is the positive solution?  What is the church called to do as we sojourn together through this age?

Easter Fools (1 Corinthians 15:45)

The resurrection of Christ is a difficult doctrine for us to defend.  I mean the absurdity of this is when recognize that we are coming together on April Fools day to talk about the resurrection of some guy who clearly died on the cross.  How can this be possible?  More importantly is it really that important to talk about the Resurrection of Christ?

Our Mysterious Profession (1 Timothy 3:14-16)

The apostle Paul has exhorted the church to use the law of God in a lawful manner.  How do we know if we are using the law of God lawfully?  How do we grow in our Christian life if Paul himself states that Godliness is a mystery?  If it is a mystery how do we know if we are growing?

Resurrection and Incarnation (1 Corinthians 15:45; BC 19)

We talked last time about the incarnation of Christ being something that is challenging for us to understand because it is a doctrine that is difficult to grasp.  It does not make sense that the second person of the Trinity would take on flesh like our flesh.  It does not make sense that He would submit to death and then be raised up again.  Why all this drama?  What is the purpose of Christ taking on the flesh and then dying?  How does this have a meaningful impact right now instead of at the end of our 80 years of walking this earth?