Veiled Victory (Matthew 16:13-20)

Christ is the messiah who enters history to save us from our sins.  He is our redeemer who brings in the kingdom.  Why does Christ promise such a strong kingdom that will go beyond human history, but then tell his disciples not to tell anyone about his kingdom?  What kind of kingdom can this be?  Is this a kingdom that will go beyond human history?

Baptism of Resurrection or Death? (Romans 6:3,4)

The apostle Paul tells us that we were baptized into Christ’s death.  This is strange language considering we associate the sacrament of baptism with regeneration or spiritual renewal.  Why would Paul speak of us being baptized into Christ’s death?  What can this teach us about the meaning of baptism?

Easter’s Champion Servant Warrior (Isa. 52:13-53:12)

On Good Friday we considered this servant song from the perspective of the suffering servant.  We saw that the sermon was clearly presenting a suffering warrior.  This is not a song that we normally associate with resurrection.  Is there a message of resurrection in this song?  Or is the resurrection something that is only taught in the New Testament?