God Doesn't Want Sacrifice (Hosea 6:4-7:2)

We hear the apostle Paul exhort us to live as living sacrifices before the Lord. David confesses that the Lord does not want burnt offerings and Hosea echoes David's confession. So, how do we live as living sacrifices and honor our God? We will see that our God calls us to live before him with a sincere heart tuned into his purpose.

The Faithful Precedent (Hebrews 11:8 22)

It is common for Christians to see Hebrews 11 as a catalogue of the Heroes of the Faith. This is not necessarily wrong, as there is a precedent of people who walked by faith, but it is lacking completion. You see we assume that they are walk in the faith, but we do not always consider the power that is at work in their lives. We assume that it is faith, but we can miss the undying beam that upholds them in their Christian sojourn.

What is Truth? (John 1:14; 18:38)

John, the gospel writer, invites us to hear the interaction between our Lord and Pilate.  The age old question that has plagued fallen man is asked, “What is truth?”  Can we ever know the answer to this question?  Can we know truth?  If we can know truth then how can this truth be so encouraging and assuring in light of the cross’ offense?

Lord’s Supper: It is Finished (John 19:30)

When Christ is on the cross he states, “it is Finished.” This seem like a simple enough statement, but what does it really mean? What implications could this have for the Lord’s Supper? What does this mean for our lives in the Lord?

Worship Elements: Communion: Sacrifices (Leviticus 7)

Moses lays out the expectations for the sacrificial system with Israel. Moses communicates essential points of this sacrificial system from Leviticus 7.  This chapter teaches us that there are feasts anyone can eat, other feasts only the priests, and then there are offerings that are not eaten at all by the priests.  Why does the Lord have some meals with his people?  Why does the Lord have some meals with the priests?  What does any of this have to do with the Lord’s Supper?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Sacrifice (Genesis 22:1-19)

The Lord promised to make a barren couple fruitful.  They had no children, but the Lord promised them to have a biological child even after they were beyond child bearing years.  Why does the Lord endanger the child when he finally arrives in history?  Why would the Lord do such a thing?

Limited or Universal Atonement? (1)(Hebrews 9:23-28; 10:11-18 COD Head 2 Article 3, 8)

The Reformed position on Christ’s death on the cross is probably not the majority view in Christianity.  If this position is held by a minority then what basis would people have to hold it? How do we see that really any conservative Christian believes in a limited atonement?  What is more, how can the Reformed definition of a limited atonement actually teach a very gracious God?