Why Suffer? (Hebrews 10:26-39)

The letter to the Hebrews gives us a very strong exhortation not to turn away from the Gospel. The truth is that we do not want to fall into the hands of our God. We do not want to sin deliberately. The mosaic order teaches us clearly that God is serious about his justice. The reminder is to see and cling to what we have in Christ Jesus.

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Living in Light of the Day (Heb. 10:19-25)

Hebrews is exhorting us to live in light of Christ's second coming. We are to conduct ourselves in the confidence that Christ is at work in us. We also have to be confident that the Lord will usher us into his eternal rest.

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One Mediator of One Gospel (Heb. 1:1-14; LD 5)

There is one Gospel promise throughout all the scriptures. This is something that has been debated in church history with the extreme of Marcion denying the God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament. The struggle to see the unity of Scripture is addressed in the letter to the Hebrews. Christ is the character and the radiance of God. The Old Testament looking to his coming and the New Testament assures us that God's promise is set in stone because he has spoke through his word.

(Sunday August 21, 2022)

Limited or Universal Atonement? (1)(Hebrews 9:23-28; 10:11-18 COD Head 2 Article 3, 8)

The Reformed position on Christ’s death on the cross is probably not the majority view in Christianity.  If this position is held by a minority then what basis would people have to hold it? How do we see that really any conservative Christian believes in a limited atonement?  What is more, how can the Reformed definition of a limited atonement actually teach a very gracious God?