Christ’s Cautious Call (Matthew 24:45-25:13)

Christ’s judgment seems strange because the examples Christ gives are people doing the same exact thing.  However, one person is saved while the other person is judged.   What is the standard?  How can we be sure that we will make it through the final judgment?  How do we know if we are insiders? 

Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage (Matthew 19:1-9)

One of the frustrating things about witnessing Christ’s interaction with the pharisees is their constant attempt to undermine him rather than being instructed by him.  The irony of this is that we do learn things from their interaction even though they do not bear fruits of a teachable heart.  So, what does Christ teach us regarding the Lord’s intention for marriage? 

Don’t Worry He’s Sovereign: Death (Mark 15:20-39)

It seems fairly challenging for us to grasp the depth of Christ’s death on the cross.  The reality is that we are people who probably do not fully grasp the Sanhedrin having to redefine their understanding of the messiah, the disciples wondering if they have been deceived, and Pilate never encountering a person like Christ.  Why is it so hard for people to grasp Christ?  Why is it that we think we grasp who He is without seeing the blind spots in our Christian life?  Why is Christ’s death on the cross such a difficult thing for us to understand?

Don’t Worry He’s Sovereign: Sentence (Mark 15:1-20)

Christ is the one who does not deserve to die because He is the only one who can claim that He does not fall under the sentence of Adam.  He is unjustly condemned so that we can be mercifully reconciled to the living God.  We read in Hebrews that we have a high priest who can sympathize with us.  How can the God-Man sympathize with mere humans?  How can He really know our struggle if He Himself has not sinned, done any wrong, or struggled with sin?  How do we know that Christ really does know the pain of this world?

Don’t Worry He’s Sovereign: Trial (Mark 14:53-72)

Christ’s arrest did not really go that smoothly considering all that happened.  It was not carried out in stealth, it was not after the feast of unleavened bread, and ironically Christ told them how they could have executed this arrest with greater precision.  Christ told them that if they quietly escorted Christ out of the temple it would have gone a lot smoother.  If the leaders of Israel desire to maintain credibility they better hope that the trial goes much better.  So, does the trial go better?  Is there proof against Christ that grounds their claims that He is a legitimate problem?  Or is this another example where fallen man cannot competently conspire against the Lord?

Don’t Worry He’s Sovereign: Betrayal (Mark 14:27-52)

This is a narrative that is not that encouraging read.  The disciples are told that they will abandon Christ, Christ collapses, Judas betrays Christ, and his disciples fall asleep instead of praying after claiming to be heroes of the faith.  So, what do we do with this discouragement?  How can we see the sovereign hand of God in the midst of all that transpires in this story?

Don’t Worry He’s Sovereign: Unleavened Bread (Mark 14:12-26)

I wonder what it must have been like for the disciples to have the last supper with Jesus.  They would expect this to be a normal day where they could enjoy the day and the time with one another recounting the history of Israel.  Their experience is something that is radically different as Christ is preparing them for what awaits Him in His ministry: His betrayal and death.  The disciples are horrified, and so what is the assurance in this text that there is no need to worry?  How do we know that Christ is still in control?

Don’t Worry He’s Sovereign (Mark 14:1-11)

We know that our Lord is one who cares for the poor, the widow, and the orphan.  We know that our Lord is the one who heals the sick, takes away diseases, and is one tho ultimately takes away the sting of death. If this is true, then why is Christ so cavalier by respond to the disciples that they will always have the poor?  Why not hear their suggestion to sell the ointment, give the money to the poor, and then just use a cheaper bottle?  What does this story have to do with the tragic decision of a disciple and the leaders of Israel finally having the fortitude to send Christ to the cross?

Living in the Last Days (3) (Mark 13:32-37)

Christ continues to talk about suffering and struggle in these last days.  We can be assured that as the temple was destroyed with Jerusalem that the end of the world is guaranteed.  So, if we know that the end of the world is coming then how shall we live?  Really?  Do we need to get very busy to make sure that this world is prepared for the Lord?  Do we just be fatalistic and say it is coming what can we do anyway?  Or is there something to Christ exhorting us to watch out and be on our guard that puts the coming end in a positive light?

Living in the Last Days (2) (Mark 13:24-32)

Christ has talked about a life of suffering and struggle.  The reality is that it is not encouraging to to think that one can pursue the kingdom only to find that there is just more and more suffering in this world.  So, why continue if the Christian message seems to be suffer, then suffer some more, and then eventually die.  Is that really the message?  What is the comfort we take in the midst of the tragic day that happens in Jerusalem? How does that tell us this suffering will not always continue and be the thing that defines us?

Living in the Last Days (Mark 13:1-23)

The Christian life is a life that has high points and low points.  When we face the trying seasons are temptation is to wonder what we have done wrong.  When we face seasons of life when things go well for us then our temptation is to think that we have done something that is honorable or right in the Lord.  Should we anchor or lives in what we see and experience in this world or is that a faulty life orientation?  What should we expect as we go through this life and what is the basis of our expectation?

Close, but Not There (Mark 12:28-44)

One scribe at least appears to be willing to talk with Christ and understand what Christ is teaching.  Finally, we see a teacher of Israel at least treating Christ as an equal.  We know that Christ is not an equal, but it is better than the previous context where the leadership desires to trap Christ.  So, will the leaders follow Christ and submit to Him?  How does a woman who gives with a cheerful heart indict the current leadership?