Is Scripture Finished? (1 Corinthians 14:1-25)

In our previous sermons we have seen that the word of God has power, we have seen that church receives the canon of Scripture, and now we see that all we need to know about God and his saving work is in his scriptures. Our goal is to show that there is no longer any new revelation because we do not need new revelation.

Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9)

Daniel is in exile and desires to return to the Lord.  He is at the timing for the fulfillment of Jeremiah's 70 year prophecy.  While he is praying he receives a vision from Gabriel regarding 70 weeks.  Do we take these weeks literally or do the weeks communicate a bigger picture?

Children of Peace or Problems: Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz (Isaiah 8:1-10)

Isaiah is commanded to write Maher Shalal, Hash, Bas on the wall.  It is after he writes this on the wall he is to name his child this very name.  Not many Christians name their child Maher-Shalel-Hash-Baz.  Is this because the length of the name, the meaning of the name or both?  Why is Isaiah commanded to name his child: Quick Spoil Swift Plunder?

Children of Peace or Problems: Shear-Jashub (Isaiah 7:1-9)

The people of Judah are facing a foreign and domestic threat that could impact their future existence.  Ahaz their king is scared that his kingdom will not be able to withstand a lengthy battle.  The Lord sends Isaiah to deliver a prophecy to Ahaz and he is to bring his son.  What is the significance of Isaiah’s child?  What is the hope that a remnant shall return?

Christmas is Coming! (Numbers 23:25-24:11)

Balak is beginning to realize that he cannot control the Lord.  However, he still tries by bringing Balaam to the Lord’s enemy territory.  The diviner follows Balak’s lead by going to the enemy territory.  Is Balaam able to curse the people of God even as they are camping in the wildness?  Is Baal able to overpower our God?  How does our God  make clear that the Lord will establish the true Christmas day?

Christmas’ Covenantal Confidence (Numbers 23:1-27)

The Lord has made a promise to his people that he will bring them to glory.  His people have messed up really bad, and so does the Lord really desire to establish His people?  How do we know that the Lord can and will do this?  How strong is the Lord? Is there a god, a prophet, or another power that can derail the Lord’s promises?  Balaam and Balak think they can, but can they?

Christmas’ Weak Diviner (Numbers 22:22-35)

The Lord has made a promise to his people that he will bring them to glory.  Is the Lord really able to do this?  How do we know that the Lord can and will do this?  How strong is the Lord? Is there a god, a prophet, or another power that can derail the Lord’s promises?  Balaam and Balak think they can, but can they?

A Christmas Transition (Genesis 49:8-12)

The season of Christmas concludes with New Years.  New Year’s Day is a day of transition of moving from an old year to a new year.  It is our tradition to make resolutions and hope that the new year is better and more blessed than last year.  This is not necessarily a bad thing provided that we are doing this in the confidence of the grace of God, but what should be the ultimate hope for the new year?  What should be our focus as we move from this year to the next year?  What can Jacob teach us about a struggled life in the Lord as he prepares for the ultimate transition from this age to being with our Lord?

Christ’s Sorrow and Saving (Luke 2:25-35)

It is easy to reduce Christmas down to a time of sentimental feelings or desires.  There are some people who might see Christmas only as joy, while there are others who might only dwell on the loss of loved ones.  There is no doubt that we may even vacillate between these two feelings.  It is also true that both of these views have a basis.  So, how do we keep these feelings or desires in a proper perspective?  How can our God understand both of these views of Christmas?  How does the strange man Simeon even help us to keep our Christmas struggle in perspective or reorient our priorities?