Is Christ Able to Relate? (Hebrews 5:1-10)

Christ is God and man. Christ took on human flesh, lived a perfect life, and now is in glory. We are earthlings from the dirt, we are fallen, and we are by no means perfect. We are works in progress suffering and struggling through this world. In fact, Hebrews communicates that we are in the wilderness time of testing. This is all true, and somehow Christ is a priest who really knows our struggle. He knows this struggle without sin. How can Christ really know us when he is God and man joined together in one person? How can Christ be a credible priest when he resides in heaven? Hebrews affirms these truths, but also assures us that Christ is a superior priest.

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God’s Priestly People (Zechariah 3)

Zechariah sees a court room. This court scene is in heaven. In this vision Zechariah sees the Angel of the Lord, Satan, and Joshua the high priest assembled for court. Joshua is dressed in a garment that is ceremonially unclean. It is uncouth and not something that the priest should wear. The Lord commands the priest to be unclothed and clothed once more. The priest's condemning garments are removed, but not to humiliate him. This testifies to the Lord's redeeming mercy not only for the priest, but even for his people. The Lord demonstrates in his vision his passion to redeem, cleans, and dwell with his people forever.

Sabbath People Journeying to Heaven (Heb 4:8-16)

The reality is that the people of God are called to enter the rest that Israel looked to enter. You would think that they arrived in the rest having the land, but yet there is still a day that is marked as a day of rest. How can this exhortation for us to strive to enter that rest be encouraging for us?

One Mediator of All? (1 Timothy 2:1-7; LD 18; BC Article 26)

The claim that there is one mediator that we have in Christ seems like a poor arrangement.  We think that it stands to reason that to have more eggs in more baskets provides for us additional security.  So, why would we wantto rest in the one God-Man who resides in the glory of heaven? So, why is it good that we have one mediator?  What does it mean that He is the mediator of all?  Why would we be content with such a mediator?