Calling the Fishers of Men (Luke 5:1-11)

Christ came to liberate the imprisoned. We expect the demon-possessed and the sick to turn to Christ. Peter was chosen as a disciple. Peter's response challenges the idea that the healthy are self-sufficient.

Why the Parables? (2) (Mark 4:21-34)

The parables are stories that can be difficult to grasp.  You can discern their challenge when you read commentaries and how people analyze all the different parts of the parables with differing opinions.  What can we take from the parables that is truly edify?  What is the clear message of the parables as we consider their message? How do the parables serve to cut us to the heart when we wrestle with the implications of the gospel?

What is this Kingdom? (Mark 1:14-28)

When we think about a kingdom or a king there is an image that we have in our mind.  We can be disappointed with the Israelites and even the gentiles who should have seen Christ and known Christ.  Our problem as humans is that we think we know better than we really do and we think we know more than we really do.  What do we see about Christ that is so contrary to our expectations?  How does Christ assure us that He really is sovereign and powerful?