Worship Elements: Preaching: An Assuring Promise (Genesis 28)

Jacob leaves home sent away as a covenantal fugitive to fend for himself at his uncle’s house.  He is left alone in the deserve literally stripped of everything that he valued.  Is all lost?  What can Jacob’s vision in the midst of his existential crises teach us about preaching and the gospel message?

Worship Elements: Assurance and Blessing (Luke 24:50)

The disciples should understand that Christ predicts his suffering, dying, and being raised up to life.  When Christ talked about this part of his ministry Christ really means that he is sent to suffer, die, and to be raised up to life.  The disciples and the women who were around Jesus missed this central truth.  How does Christ react after his resurrection?  How does Christ’s reaction put our worship into perspective and show our parting from worship to be so consoling?

Worship Elements: Confession (Psalm 19)

We have a time of confession at the beginning of our worship service.  As we join together in this time we might wonder why we would engage in such a practice.  Why would we confess our sins if we are forgiven in the Lord?  Why would we join together to confess our sins in a worship service? 

Worship Elements: Invocation (Psalm 124)

The Lord calls His people to worship Him.  This is something that we understand and assume in Christian worship, but why would we invoke or call upon the name of our God?  If we know that we are worshipping Him anyway it seems that we are going to do the right thing no matter what. So, what is the significance of this invocation?

God’s Greeting (2 Corinthians 1:1-2)

The Lord gives His greeting to the Corinthian church through the Apostle Paul. We might think that this is standard, but what does this greeting tell us about our worship today? What does this greeting tell us about the Christian church today? What can this greeting teach us about our Worship?

Call to Worship (Psalm 100)

The Lord commands people to worship him.  Why does God need his creatures to worship him?  He is a God who is complete in himself so why does he give such a command?  What do we know about God that makes it a joy to worship Him?  Why will His people want to worship Him?

Called to Orderly Worship (1 Corinthians 14:33)

Sometimes we can think that worship is merely rote or just part of our routine.  We can think this sometimes because worship seems too orderly.  Do we have a Biblical basis for an orderly worship service?  

Called to Worship (Psalm 40; Hebrews 10:5-7)

The Lord calls us to worship and to make the Lord our focal place.  When we are called to worship as a people what is the basis of the Lord calling us to worship?  How are we called out of the world to Worship our God and our King?

Exhorted to Worship (Hebrews 10:25)

The people who receive the message from Hebrews seem to be struggling to keep their faith.  The author in Hebrews exhorts them to keep their faith.  Why would they want to keep their faith?  What does worship have to do with them keeping their faith?  How can such an old exhortation still be relevant today?

Corporate Cleansing (Isaiah 6:1-13)

Isaiah the prophet is called into the most holies of places.  You would think that he would be overjoyed to encounter the full holies of our Lord, but he is overwhelmed by his placement in the true temple.  Why is Isaiah so upset and concerned?  This is a prophet set apart unto the Lord and so what does he have to worry about?  What is the Lord ultimately going to do to set aside this man’s fears, but at the same time equip this man to come into HIs holy presence?

Corporate Dialoguing (Joshua 24)

When we meet together for worship it might be something that has become rather rote.  We rise, we sing, we listen, and we might think that there is not much we can glean from worship because the experience is not what we expect it to be.  Is this a problem with worship or a problem with us?  What is really going on between God and HIs people even if the Ark of the Covenant is not present with us?

A Corporate Community (Joshua 5:1-12)

Joshua assembles the Lord’s people together after they cross the Jordan River.  Joshua is command to circumcise the people of God a second time.  Why would Joshua waste precious time to engage in such a physical ceremony?  Why not just go to war, secure the land, and enjoy the Lord’s redemptive purpose?

A Worshipping Community (2) (Genesis 15)

Abraham is one who has called out of his land, away from his father, and away from idolatry.  He is called to worship the one true God.  Does this mean that only those who are genetically tied to Abraham have life in Abraham?  How do we know that the blessings for Abraham are for the nations rather than one nation or nationality?