Why the Sacraments? (Romans 4:11; BC 33)

The Belgic confession assures us that the sacrament are given to us to strengthen our faith. However, the sacraments also communicate to us that we are weak. We are prone to wander, and testify to the reality that we need a savior. The sacraments communicate to us the truth of the gospel and cannot stand apart from it.

Self Help or Sanctification? (Luke 14:25-33)

Christ does not follow the program for church growth, but rather does everything in his power to discourage people from following him. Christ exhorts us to bear our cross making clear that we are to be continual disciples in Christ and of Christ. We understand that Christ is more than merely a self-help guru. He is a redeemer and teacher.

Redeemed for Discipleship (LD 25; Matt. 28:16-20)

Christ is raised from the dead, he interacts with his disciples on the last mountain, and he goes to heaven. This would appear to be Christ leaving us and forsaking us. However, Christ assures us that he will be with us until the end of the age.

#greatcomission #matthewgospel #christianmotivation

The Last Days of Preaching (2 Timothy 4:1-5)

The primary way that the church grows in faith and in number is through the preaching of the gospel. You would think that the church would love the preaching all the time and that the life changing power of the gospel would permeate our being so we cannot get enough of it. However, this is not the case. The incarnate word was sent to the cross by the will of God using the rejection of man. So, Paul warns Timothy that in the latter days the gospel will not be so joyfully received. What is the fundamental problem? Do we need to change the gospel message?

Patiently Progressing (1 Timothy 4:11-16)

Timothy is facing a challenging time in the Ephesian church.  People are bringing in teaching that is not pure or teaching that is not correct.  So, what is the solution to this?  What is Timothy to do in this whole process?  How is Timothy to right this ship?

The Sabbath’s Answer to Absurd Anxiety (1 Peter 5:6-11 (LD 38; COD Head 5 Art. 14, 15)

There are many things in this life that can upset us and even overwhelm us.  Peter affirms the reality of the hardship in the Christian life as he tells us that we have our own struggles, the world, and Satan is out to destroy us.  These things make it pretty difficult for us to maintain a positive outlook in our perseverance.  So, how do we know that we will arrive at the goal of heaven?  Where do we turn in our darkest moments?  Where is our hope in this Christian life?

Absurdity of a False Means (1 Corinthians 15:1-11 (LD 35; Head 5; Art. 14)

It is tempting to take out the doctrines of the Christian faith that do not seem to be that high of a priority.  We could do this with the doctrine of the resurrection.  We could try to make the case that this is a doctrine that only impacts us at the end of life rather than impacting us right now.  Is that something that the Apostle Paul would affirm?  Why does Paul make such a big deal about the resurrection and the gospel?  What does the Corinthian church teach us about the continuing nature of the church?

The Preaching of the Gospel (Galatians 1:6-9 (LD 31; BC 29)

How do we know a true church from a false church?  The Belgic Confession gives us there marks of the church to distinguish a true church from a false church.  One of these marks is the preaching of the gospel.  Why is this gospel continually peached?  What does Paul say that is so important about this preaching and working this out?

Why One Baptism? (Ephesians 4:5 (LD 27; BC 34)

Our confession uses strong language that we are to be baptized once.  This means that we do not agree with other traditions that will baptize someone a second time because they do not see infant baptism as being a valid baptism.  Why do we believe in one baptism?  What is the bigger picture of this baptism?  How do we as Reformed people see baptism as something for children and adults?  Why are we not Roman Catholic even though we baptize infants?

Sign of Faith or Faithfulness? (Romans 4:11 (LD 27; BC Article 34)

Many times people will say that the sacraments are a sign of our faith.  We might not think that it is important to see that sacrament is a sign of God’s faithfulness verses the sign being a sign of my faith.  Ultimately we need to look discussion in light of the covenant of grace.  Did Abraham receive the sign because of his faith or because of the Lord’s faithfulness?  In other words does the sign point to Abraham’s faith or does it point to the promises of God and His faithfulness?  What does Paul say in Romans 4:11 regarding the sign that was given to Abraham?

Why Preach if Elect Anyway? (1 Peter 1:23-25 (COD Heads 3/4 Art. 17)

I believe that God has chosen His people before the foundations of the world.  This is something that is rather risky for a preacher to believe because if God chooses His people then what is the point of preaching?  I mean really, if God just does what God desires then why preach?  Why care about the people who do not know the Lord? So, why do we preach if God chooses HIs people anyway?