What about Godly Discipline? (1 Timothy 4:6-10)

If we are redeemed and united to Christ then how can we discipline ourselves?  It sounds as if Paul is saying that on the one level salvation is by grace, but now it is up to you to complete the work that has been started.  Is that what Paul is saying?  Is this how we go through life with this confidence that the Lord gives us enough grace to make it?  Or is Paul telling us something different that we need to heed?

Why Move Forward? (Philippians 3:12-16 (LD 44)

We conclude the teaching on the law of God from the catechism.  The tenth commandment is that we are not to desire anything that goes against the law of the Lord.  So, we know that we are not to desire something contrary to God, but we do which is why we sin.  How do we move beyond sin?  Do we conform to the Lord because it is better to conform to Him rather than not conforming to Him?