The Advantage of Providence (Romans 8:31-39)

One of the main consequences of the fall is that we do not want God to rule over us. We might think that God’s ruling over us is going to limit our fun, our joy, and our contentment in this life. However, what if God’s ruling over us by his providence actually secures our fun, our joy, and our contentment? How do we find contentment in the Lord as he rules over us?

Called to Worship (Psalm 40; Hebrews 10:5-7)

The Lord calls us to worship and to make the Lord our focal place.  When we are called to worship as a people what is the basis of the Lord calling us to worship?  How are we called out of the world to Worship our God and our King?

A Worshipping Community (2) (Genesis 15)

Abraham is one who has called out of his land, away from his father, and away from idolatry.  He is called to worship the one true God.  Does this mean that only those who are genetically tied to Abraham have life in Abraham?  How do we know that the blessings for Abraham are for the nations rather than one nation or nationality?

Thanking God (4-7)

Paul is thankful for this man who creates more stress for Paul while Paul has enough to think about while being in Prison.  Why is Paul thankful for this additional work?  What can Paul celebrate in the midst of his circumstances?  What does this teach us about a true grace-centered and Gospel-centered joy?

You Can Be Right with God (Job 22:1-30)

Job has made the case that life does not always go as planned and the Lord does not always deal with the wicked as we would like the Lord to deal with the wicked.  Eliphaz now takes another turn to persuade Job that Job is not seeing these things clearly.  What does Eliphaz have to say to Job?  Are these going to be encouraging words about how one finds their path to peace in the Lord?

Joyful Suffering? (James 1:2-11)

James tells us that we are to be joyful in the midst of our suffering.  What kind of system of belief is Christianity?  Is it possible to find joy in the midst of suffering?  Is this something that is optional where maybe we find joy 10 percent of the time and the rest of the time we claim an injustice?  What does James mean and how can we possibly have a perspective of “joy” in the midst of suffering?

Life Has its Benefits (Ecclesiastes 9:1-12)

There is the temptation to read Ecclesiastes and think that maybe there is not much of a reason to live.  The preacher seems rather cynical when he talks about life under sun.  Such negative talk could leave someone with the impression that there is no reason to live nor are there any benefits to life.  Is this really what the preacher is saying?  Should we really think that there are no blessings of life under the sun?

Where is the Joy? (Ecclesiastes 2:12-26)

The book of Ecclesiastes is not a book that opens with the most optimist outlook on life.   Our argument has been that the way to find life is to look above the sun rather than only under the sun.  So, how do we know that the preacher really wants us to look above the sun?  Is there a way that we can have life or joy in this life?  How do we have joy in this life or is just a series of disappointment culminating in death revealing dark humor of a very mean God?