Heroes or Hero of the Faith? (Hebrews 11; COD Head 5 RE 6, 7)

Normally when we read Hebrews 11 we focus on the individuals and their faith. We look at the deeds that they have done in the power of the faith and we consider them to be the heroes. However, if we put the chapter in the context we discover that the real hero is God who is showing his invisible power at work in his people.

Is Assurance as Simple as “Just Believe?” (Hebrews 11:1-7; 39-40; LD 7)

When we go through this life and we struggle in our faith it is hard to know where we find our hope.  Do we find our hope in believing the promises of the Gospel or do we need to wrestle with how many fruits of faith we have to make sure we really have Christ?  If we say that we are not to wrestle with all these fruits then why such a chapter on the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11?  What is the purpose of calling attention to their works and struggles?  What does the flow of this text tell us about assurance?

The Irony of Wealth (Ecclesiastes 6:1-12)

Having more wealth and assets would improve one’s standing in this age.  If one is wealthy then one would have more joy because there are more things and distractions to keep someone from experiencing the pain of living life under the sun.  So, is this true?  Is it safe to affirm that we can find more joy and contentment just by acquiring and having more?