Imposed or Refundable Gift (Ephesians 2:8 (LD 16; COD Head 2 Art. 7)

All conservative Christians agree that the human race is divided between those who believe in Christ as their savior or those who do not believe in Christ.  The issue is how do we receive our faith or come to an understanding of the truths in Scripture?  Is faith a gift that we receive by reaching up our hand to the benevolent giver or does the benevolent giver impose this gift upon us?  So, is this a gift that the Lord imposes on us or is this a gift that we can return it?

An Unearned Gift (Romans 6:23; LD 4; COD Head 1 Article 1)

If we are honest we want to think that we are a little better than what we are.  Sin deceives all of us into thinking that we might be a little worthy of the Lord’s grace and favor.  How do we know that the gift we receive from God is something that is forced upon us?  What is the contrast of Romans 6:23 that drives home the gift that God has given to us?  How do we know that we have not earned this free gift from the hand of God?