Saved through Baptism? (1 Peter 3:21,22)

Peter tells us, "Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you." This is a pretty strong statement as it sounds like this baptism actually gives us the blessings of Christ. However, Peter says after this, "not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." We are those who make a pledge to God and then we are baptized. This sounds like we first profess, and then we receive baptism. However, we notice the precedent is actually quite different. Scripture actually teaches us that first someone professes, and then the household if baptized. How does Noah's flood teach us this very promise?

A Baptismal Flood (1 Peter 3:18-22)

Peter presents Noah’s flood as precedent that shows God’s deliverance and judgment. However, Peter also appeals to the flood story as a baptism. What does the flood teach us about baptism? How does this ultimately encourage us in our Christian walk? What does this teach us about covenant theology?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Reminder (Genesis 8:20-9:28)

The Lord enters his rest at the end of the creation.  The Lord has finished his work and is now in the rest where man is to join the Lord enjoying the eternal bliss of heaven.  However, man has fallen, martyrdom has already happened, and the Lord has dealt with the offender.  Now what is going to happen?  How is this creation going to respond to Lord warning Cain?  Will the Lord have to intervene once again?

So, Are We Really that Bad? (LD 3; COD 3;4; 3; Genesis 8:21)

 It would be nice if we could make ourselves a little worthy of grace or maybe earn some of God’s favor during our life.  The reality is that we cannot earn the Lord’s favor no matter how hard we work at it.  So, why do we continue to press forward if we cannot please God anyway?  Or maybe we are just exaggerating and man is not that bad.  So, is mankind really so sinful that we cannot work to receive grace?