Consumed by Addiction (Hosea 7:3-16)

Hosea continues to prove and prosecute the sins of Israel. There is a lot of immorality in the midst of Israel. They are a people who claim to return to God, but they are not really willing to repent of their sin. Hosea reminds us that as Christians we continually seek to pursue the Lord as we die to self.

Repent and Receive the Spirit! (Acts 2:36-39)

Peter uses strong language after his Pentecost sermon. Peter says, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38). This sounds as if we repent, then we receive baptism, and then the Spirit is free to work. We say that the Spirit normally works through the preaching of the Gospel. We listen to Peter's exhortation and consider the deeper implications for the sign of Baptism and profession of faith.

God Remembers His Promises! (Psalm 51; COD 5 Arts 7,8)

We are warned by those who have gone before us that if we push the boundaries of grace that God might give us the sin that we desire. The Lord might allows us to wallow and to walk in our sin for a time. So, what happens when the Lord snaps us out of our sin? What does David communicate to us about the Lord remembering his promises? How does David's sin, and more importantly, his restoration, teach us about the Gospel?