Does God Tempt Us? (LD 52; 1 Peter 5:6-11)

James assures us that God does not tempt us. Christ commands us to pray that our Father would not lead us into temptation. Does this show that James contradicts Christ? We know that he does not because temptation also means testing. So, we are praying that the Father would not test us beyond what we can bear.

Discerning the Right Will (LD 49; Romans 12:1, 2)

It would be nice if the Lord would just tell us what he wants us to do. It would be nice that in every circumstance the Lord would tell us what is right and wrong. However, God did not create robots. He desires for us to consciously pursue him. So, when we pray this request we are asking the Lord to accomplish his will, and what we would do his will for his glory.

Our Certain Amen (2 Timothy 2:8-13)

When we close our prayers by saying, “Amen” we might just think that it is a simple word.  We might not think about all the implications of the word "amen", but saying "amen" is a rather profound way to close our prayers.  Why is “Amen” such a strong word?  What grounds the word  “Amen?”

Your Will Be Done (Psalm 103:20-21)

We are called to do the will of God.  We can see in Scripture the commandments that God gives to us challenging us to follow him.  However, what does David tell us in Psalm 103?  What does it mean that even the angels of heaven are to do the will of the Lord?  What is the significance of us praying to do the Lord’s will? 

Our Holy and Approachable God (Ex 34:4-9)

Our God is a God who created this world, is above this world, and the one who sustains this world.  If all this is true then how can we approach such a Holy God?  Can we really draw near to a God who is so exalted and dwelling in heavenly glory?  Moses gives us the assurance that when we call upon the Lord’s name we find that the Lord is not distant at all.  So, what does the holiness of God’s name tell us about our God?

(The video is not available for this sermon)

God's Prodigal Family: Old Brother (Luke 15:11-32 (LD 51)

When we ask our heavenly father to forgive us our debts we are also asking that we forgive our debtors meaning those who sin against us.  The reality is that there is a cost involved with forgiveness and we might not always be willing to bear the cost of it.  What is more, the bigger problem is that we might not think that we ourselves need that much forgiveness.  So, what does the older brother or the older son tell us about forgiveness in the kingdom?  Why does Christ tell us that this man had two sons?

Wanting the Lord’s Kingdom (Psalm 122; LD 48)

When we talk about the Kingdom of God we normally associate the Kingdom of God as being something that is present here and now.  So, if the Kingdom is present here and now then why would we ask the Lord for the Kingdom to come?  The Lord will establish His kingdom despite any forces that may stand against it.  So, what does it mean that we ask for the Lord’s kingdom to come?