The Poverty of Riches (Matthew 19:16-30)

Christ interacts with a man who is neither warm nor cold in terms of his relationship toward Christ.  The man affirms Christ’s authority, but he makes this affirmation as someone who wants to attain God’s affection.  This is a man who is above the rest because he is blinded by his blessing as Matthew informs us that this is a wealthy man with great possessions.  So does blessing necessarily mean one is a follower of Christ?  Does blessing necessarily mean that one is in rebellion against God?  How does one find their place in the the Lord’s kingdom?

What Must We do to be Saved? (Mark 10:13-31)

The reality is that if we ask the wrong question we are more than likely to arrive at the wrong answer.  If we desire to find the right answers it is best to ask the right questions.  This is what we find with the wealthy man who approaches Christ about salvation.  He thinks that the answer is simple so his question is simple.  In his understanding he has done all that is required for life.  However, when Christ points out the bigger picture even the disciples are confused by the answer.  So, what must we do to be saved and have life?  How can we as Americans enter the Kingdom of God if a camel cannot go through the eye of a needle?