You Shall Not Murder (Matthew 5:21-26)

It is very easy not to murder someone. We can tell that we are doing well because we have not literally killed a human being out of vengeance. However, Christ humbles us by telling us we have all murdered. How have we murdered an individual? Why is it important to know the right standard of holiness rather than our own holy standard?

Living it Out: Gospel Informed Ethics (Matthew 7:01-14

Our Lord gives us the warning about being judgmental.  This is somewhat strange because our Lord will judge the religious rulers in Matthew’s gospel, our Lord pronounces judgments against others, and our Lord does not approve of sin.  So, how can our Lord rebuke us for being judgmental when Christ is the judgmental judge?

Certain Assurance (Matthew 5:1-12)

Jesus takes his stand on the mountain to teach the crowds and his disciples.  This should be a sermon that is full of good news.  This is expected to be a sermon where Christ promises absolute victory.  However, Christ talks about mourning, oppression, and persecution.  How can Christ’s message truly offer us hope?  Has the kingdom failed in some way? 

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Conforming: Self Examination (Matthew 7:13-29)

We conclude Christ’s sermon on the mount.  Christ is laying out an ethic that we are called to follow as a people set apart unto the Lord.  Do we just say that these laws are difficult so we can ignore them?  Do we more purposefully set out to obey these laws in our strength?  What are we to do with this challenging sermon that is set before us?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Conforming: Murder (Matthew 5:21-26)

Christ continues to instruct the disciples on the mountain regarding life in this kingdom.  His presentation now is that the law of God has more meaning than just a few external commands that are easy to follow.  Christ goes through the command to murder which we might think is pretty easy to obey.  I mean there are a lot of people who have gone through this life without taking another human life.  Our temptation might be to skip over this command and to move onto a commandment that is probably a little more challenging.  So, what is the real challenge for us not to murder someone?