A Mysterious Knowledge (Matthew 13:10-16)

One would think that as Christ enters history that his desire is to start a movement.  He is the one who is bringing in the kingdom, and so one who brings in the kingdom will need citizens to be part of the kingdom.  It would seem wise to make the kingdom accessible.  However, Christ speaks in cryptic language, and seems to do more to drive people away rather than the bring them near.  Why does Christ speak in parables? 

God or Satan? (Matthew 9:18-34)

Matthew tells us that this Jesus is the embodiment of Yahweh’s salvation that his name means, “Yahweh Saves.”  There are two ways that we can understand Christ conducting himself.  He could have his authority from Satan so he is only deceiving his followers or he can have his authority from God.  I think that his authority is from God, but who do you say empowers Christ?  This is the question that Matthew desires us to answer.