God’s Comforting Oath (Isaiah 45:23)

Israel is in exile when Isaiah writes chapter 45.  You would think that all is lost because Israel has failed, they are in a foreign land, and God should be done with them.  The Lord does not discard his people, but binds himself to deliver his people out of exile.  What does this deliverance teach us about God’s name?  What does this deliverance teach us about the Lord’s redemptive promise?

My God Will Save! (Micah 7:8-13)

The Lord is sovereign and mighty even during the exile that Israel faces.  We affirm that no matter where we walk in life that the Lord will save us and secure us.  Why did the Lord send Israel into exile?  What does exile do for us that is good?  Where are the Israelites to put their faith?   Can they be saved even as they march into exile and it seems as if all is finished?  What is the assurance even at the time of facing exile?

Waiting on the God of My Salvation (Micah 7:1-7)

Knowing that the Lord is sovereign over all things is something that should give us comfort.  The challenge in finding comfort in knowing the the Lord is sovereign over all things is that we cannot control this God.  We have to wait upon our God.  How do we know that waiting on the Lord is good?  How do we know that the Lord is going to be faithful?  What is the basis of the promise where we can ground our hope and peace in the Lord?  Why wait upon the God of my salvation?