I have Come to Fulfill (Matthew 5:17-20)

Christ tells us that he has come to fulfill. This means that Christ has come to put the law and the prophets in their place. In our culture putting someone in their place means we put them down or we knock them down a few pegs. This is not at all what Christ means. Christ has entered history, he has taken on the flesh, and he has done enter history as the God/man so that we can have life in him. Redemption is only found in our incarnate savior. As we are found in Christ we live as living sacrifices to Christ. It is very important that we understand Matthew 5:17-20 in its proper context so that we do not strive to keep the rigors of the law in our flesh, but as we walk by faith saying amen to the Lord’s promises.

A Fulfilling Mission (Matthew 5:17-20)

Jesus enters history to fulfill the law and the prophets.  Christ summarizes his mission as the messiah who has entered history fulfill rather than to abolish.  Why is this important?  What does this definition of his mission tell us about Jesus living up to His name?