Brotherly Appeal (Philemon 8-16)

Paul has the authority of an apostle.  This means that Paul can give a command and it is as if Christ gives the command.  Paul makes a big deal not to appeal to his apostolic authority when he exhorts Philemon.  Why does Paul use so many words rather than simply write, “I command you to forgive your brother who ran away!”  Why does Paul try so hard not to constrain Philemon through forceful words?

Finding True Love (1 Timothy 1:3-7)

Love has become something that is rather subjective in our culture.  It seems that many today have reduced love down to a feeling or something that is sentimental.  How does Paul define love?  How does Scripture define love and how is this love not subjective or sentimental?

Christ Made Sin? (2 Corinthians 5:21 (LD 15; COD Head 2 Art. 2)

The Apostle Paul sure chooses some strange words when he talks about Christ’s work on the cross.  An example of strange wording regarding the work of Christ is when Paul states that Christ became sin.  What does that mean?  If we really pause for a moment that sounds like Christ has sinned so he could relate to us.  Is that what the Lord is saying through the Apostle Paul?  Why would it be problematic that Christ would sin? What does Paul mean by this language?

Grace and Peace through Leadership (Philippians 1:1-2)

I bet that if you were to survey the average person on the street they would tell you to question leadership and authority.  I would suspect that this answer would be consistent among conservatives as well as liberals.  We would probably not be that surprised by this considering that we have witnessed leaders deceive and abuse their authority. So, why would we as Christians want to trust leaders in the church?  We know leaders in the church have fallen into sin so why trust leadership?  How does the apostle Paul set the tone for Christian leadership?  How does setting such a tone for leadership reorient someone’s idea or notion of service?