Let My Case Begin (Job 29:1-25)

The book of Job is moving to a conclusion.  Job has silences the counselors to the point where they will no longer argue or speak against him.  Job is now entering into his legal proceedings with the Lord.  Job wants all the understand why Job is shocked and appalled that such a thing has happened to him.  Why is Job so shocked?  What right does Job have to claim that the Lord should not bring such suffering and hardship against this man?

The Righteous will Always Prevail (Job 8)

Job’s friends came together with the purpose to rally around him and encourage him.  Eliphaz has not done a great job of helping Job as Eliphaz implied that Job deserved this suffering.  Now, it is time for the second counselor to try.  Will Bildad encourage Job?  Is there something we can glean from Bildad as he tries to encourage Job?