Why Did Christ Come? (LD 14; Gal. 4:4)

The Apostle Paul tells us that in the fullness of time Christ is born of a woman. The fullness of time is when Christ enters history to establish the Lord's people in the freedom of Christian maturity. We are now released from the guardian and called to use our freedom to glorify Christ. Paul is teaching us that Christ is God and faithful Son from eternity who has come to secure our adoption. Praise be to God that our redemption and adoption is secure in God's faithful son.

#redeemed #lifeinchrist #galatians #heidelbergcatechism

(Preached in the evening on 10.30.2022)

The Humble and Majestic King (Matthew 21:1-11)

So often we view the cross of Christ in a sentimental way.  We do not see the radical absurdity of Christ’s mission in the way that he establishes the kingdom.  We see Christ humbling himself while seated on a donkey, but have we taken the time to think about the backdrop of Christ entering into Jerusalem on a donkey? How does Christ riding on a donkey demonstrate his humility and exaltation?