Sojourning Under the Sun: Ironic Cleaning (Judges 14)

Samson’s family has lost sight of Israel’s significance in the grand scheme of life right now.  One would hope that Samson would provide the deliverance that Israel needs.  Samson is certainly the judge that Israel deserves, but does Samson actually provide any cleansing for Israel?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Stall…. Again (Judges 13)

Joshua left God’s people in a good place as people who can find rest in the land.  In many ways they were tasting a promised sabbath rest in the land that God had given them.  The Lord has been merciful to His people and has given them judges to rule over them, to deliver them, and to provide some wise guidance.  Judges records for us a tragic history of Israel continually sliding down away from the Lord, but the Lord still gives them a judge.  What is the significance of Samson?  How does he represent the current state of Israel?