Guarding the Rudder (James 3:1-12)

We might think that we are in control of our tongues and able to be very disciplined in what we say.  We might also think that maybe a few careless words are not that serious in the grand scheme of things.  We might think this, but James would not agree.  Why are a few careless words so serious?

Beginning and Ending in Wisdom (Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:7)

The preacher is wrapping up his sermon on Solomonic wisdom.  The preacher is honest that we go through life and we experience the trials under the sun.  The preacher makes no mystery of the reality that we will experience many trials under the sun.  So, if we do suffer and experience pain under the sun then why do we continue to press forward? 

Random Musings (Ecclesiastes 10:1-20)

The preacher in Ecclesiastes as been accused of being a cynic.  It is easy to pick a few passages and claim that the preacher is undermining wisdom.  We can see that the preacher does not believe you can put God in a box, but does the preacher esteem wisdom?  Is there a benefit to pursuing and desiring wisdom?  Or is the preacher one who really believes that wisdom is just a waste of time? 

Wisdom in Strange Places (Ecclesiastes 9:13-18)

One would think that if they were saved from a dire consequence the amount of gratitude would be overwhelming.  Now, if our house was in danger of being destroyed you would think that we would be consumed with joy if someone saved it.  What if we liked our town and someone saved it?  We would probably want to have a parade and name a day after the individual who saved it all.  However, there is in instance where that did not happen.  Why was someone so significant forgotten?  What does such forgetting have to do with wisdom?