Where is Wisdom? (Job 28:1-28)

We can interview numerous people, we can comb the Scriptures, we can dig into the earth, but where is wisdom?  This is a rather profound question that Job seeks to answer.  The answer to the question may not be as simple as just reading some Scriptures, or interviewing some people.  So, what is the answer?  Is Job ready to embrace the answer as he feels it being pressed upon him?

I Am Not Tired (Job 26:1-14)

Job is getting his case ready before the Lord and he will not back down no matter what the counselors say to him.  Job is one who feels the weight of this age, the pursuit of the Lord, and majesty of God.  He knows that God is majestic and Job breaks forth in a wonderful declaration of the Lord’s majesty.  So, why is Job so frustrated?

Repent! (Job 18:1-21)

Job has made a passionate speech about someone taking his case to the heavenly courts.  He is done with the counselors for they are not taking his case seriously.  Bildad has heard these words and he responds to Job.  Will this man, who is most likely a grandson of Abraham, respond with the promises of the Gospel?  Will they come together and realize that maybe the Lord’s purpose is bigger than their understanding?

Trapped by Life (Job 3)

Job finally breaks the 7 day silence to express his perception of things.  Job does not see the purpose of his life.  Why is this so wrong and how does this show that we too need redefine meaning in terms of the Lord’s bigger picture?  How does Job’s speech fail to see the bigger purpose of life that we might fail to perceive?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Submission (Genesis 49)

Jacob is on his deathbed and now has the opportunity to prophetically speak about the future of his 12 sons.  Will he abuse his prophetic gift and try to put his favored son ahead of the other sons?  Or has this man really learned from this wrestling match that the wisdom of God is manifested through weakness?  How does the Lord show the irony off the Messianic line by coming through a very unlikely son?  Why is this son such an unlikely candidate to bring forth the messiah?